Causal Idea 应用

CI Loyalty NFC Demo Edition 1.0.1
Causal Idea
CI Loyalty enables any small business owner,from a roadside hawker, a wet market grocery seller, to theoperator of a small shop, to run loyalty programs like a hugesupermarket or gas station chain.The NFC edition runs on an NFC-enabled Android device, includingSamsung Galaxy S3, S3 mini and Sony Xperia SL smartphones. Ittreats any Mifare card(*) presented by a customer as a validloyalty card, and records how many times the customer has visitedand how much he or she has spent.The application is very easy to understand. There are two setsof figures for each customer - now and past. Now tells the businessowner the spending and number of visits of the customer that havenot been redeemed yet. Past shows how much the customer has spentand visited in the past one month. These help the business ownerdecide when and how to reward a customer.To reward a customer, giving a ten-cent discount in every visitmay have very little impact. However, if the customer is rewardedone dollar every ten visits, there will be a lasting impression.This is precisely how CI Loyalty helps - enabling the businessowner to create an impression that lasts.CI Loyalty is very easy to use too. There is no need to registera customer. After touching the card presented by a customer on thesmartphone, if the business owner decides to reward him or her,just press the redeem button. How and what to reward are nottracked by CI Loyalty. It can be a one-dollar discount, a packet ofdessert, or an orange. The business owner has complete freedom indeciding.Amount entry for each visit is optional. If an amount isentered, it will be available for helping reward decision making insubsequent visits.(*) Mifare cards in circulation in various countries around theworld include :- Malaysia. MyKad, MyPR, MyKAS, MyRapid, Touch n Go,ManjaLink.- Thailand. Bangkok Metro fare card.- Hong Kong. Octopus.- China. Yikatong.- United Kingdom. Oyster.- United States of America. Clipper, ORCA.- Australia. ACTION MyWay, metroCard.- ...A more complete list is available at : the business owner wants to give every customer a customizedcard, just look for "Mifare tag" on Google. There are manymanufacturers who customize and sell Mifare cards in variousshapes, often for less than fifty cents each.Otherwise, in a place like Malaysia, Hong Kong and London, wherealmost everyone already holds a Mifare card, the business owner canjust install CI Loyalty on his or her smartphone and start aloyalty program right away.Note :This demo edition shows a reminder on the screen when the totalnumber of recorded customer visits exceeds 1000. To get rid of thereminder, just install the non-demo Loyalty-4-Biz and continue withthe loyalty program. No data will be lost when switching from thedemo edition to the non-demo edition, because they share the samedatabase which resides on the SD card of the Android device.If you need reward configuration, reward alert, view mode andother features, please do install Loyalty-4-Biz directly : :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
DB Manager 2.0.0
Causal Idea
DB Manager archives and un-archives databases of these Causal Ideaapps : LinKad, TapKad, Attendance, Notification, Test and Grade. Itfacilitates database sharing among Android devices running theapps. After being archived, a database can be sent to or sharedwith other users of the same app, through email, Skype or a filesharing service. Those users can un-archive the database on theirown Android devices, and it will be visible to their app. Theshared database un-archived on a device is independent of the samedatabase on the originating device. Any update to the data in thefirst database will not appear in the second database. Neither willnew data in the second database appear in the first database.Third-party icons : This application uses third-party iconsavailable in the public domain. Disclaimer : Causal Idea is notresponsible for any loss, injury or damage inflicted during andafter the installation and use of the application.
ShowKad (MyKad reader) 2.6.2
Causal Idea
ShowKad reads from the MyKad chip. A tap onthe photo gives an enlarged picture to help visual inspection ofthe cardholder. It also provides an easy way for other apps to readMyKad, by allowing them to launch ShowKad using intent, and get theMyKad personal particulars back, without having to deal withsmartcard commands and reader integration.Instead of asking customers or students to fill up application orregistration forms, just read their personal particulars fromMyKad. There is no chance of introducing human errors, for example,in IC number copying. All data is replicated electronically.ShowKad brings to everyone efficient data processing previouslylimited to huge and wealthy corporations and governmentdepartments. And it does this WITHOUT a computer. Even better is,there is NO software licensing fee. ShowKad is available for use byanyone FREE OF CHARGE.Sample code for launching ShowKad through intent from another app:intent = new Intent("com.causalidea.cikad.showkad.READ_MYKAD");extras = new Bundle ();extras.putBoolean ("READ_PHOTO", false); // Do not read thephotointent.putExtras (extras);activity.startActivityForResult (intent, 0);Sample code for receiving the output from ShowKad :public void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode,Intent intent) {if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {extras = intent.getExtras ();if (extras != null) {extras.getString ("IC_NUMBER"));extras.getString ("NAME"));extras.getString ("GENDER"));extras.getString ("CITIZENSHIP"));extras.getString ("BIRTH_DATE"));extras.getString ("RACE"));extras.getString ("RELIGION"));extras.getString ("ADDRESS_1"));extras.getString ("ADDRESS_2"));extras.getString ("ADDRESS_3"));extras.getString ("POSTCODE"));extras.getString ("CITY"));extras.getString ("STATE"));photoByteArray = extras.getByteArray ("PHOTO");if (photoByteArray != null) {bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray (photoByteArray, 0,photoByteArray.length);imageView.setImageBitmap (bitmap);}}} else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {}}ShowKad works on a general purpose smartphone or tablet. Asmartcard reader of model ACR38U-PocketMate is needed. This isprobably one of the smallest and most portable contact smartcardreaders in the market. To purchase the reader, please visit : experience how it works without a smartcard reader, pleaseinstall the demo edition, which assumes the presence of afictitious MyKad.Disclaimer :While Causal Idea attempts to ensure the application is correct,and may introduce updates whenever necessary, it does not guaranteethe application is flawless, and is not responsible for any loss,injury or damage inflicted during and after the installation anduse of the application.Reminder :You are responsible for the safe-keeping of the collected personalparticulars, and for making sure they are not utilized in anymanner not agreed by their owners.Third-party components :This application contains the file choosing component aFileChooserfrom iPaulPro. The license terms of aFileChooser are available at hardware required :This application is meant to be used with a smartcard reader, whichis available at
Exam Score Input 3.1.0
Causal Idea
This app greatly simplifies entry ofexamination scores by teachers into the computer system.* Score entryAfter marking all the answer sheets, just tap your phone on theNFC tag tied to each answer sheet, then say the score. The phoneautomatically finds out whose answer sheet it is, then associatesthe person with the score. It also repeats the score in voice, sothat you know it has been captured correctly. If the phone canpronounce the student name, it also reads it out.* Score export and publishingYou can export the scores into a CSV file, then import the fileinto the academic computer system of your school. At the same time,you can publish the scores on the Internet. Your students will beable to instantly see their own scores using the Result app.If you wish to publish the scores directly to your academiccomputer system, do not hesitate to let us know. We are reachableat* Free use and priceThis app is free up to 20 students. If your class has more than20 students, we charge 1.99 USD a year, but we also give a 6-monthno-obligation free trial.* NFC tagEach student should tie an NFC tag to his/her examination answersheet. You can buy NTAG203 tags from any preferred store.Alternatively, you can buy from us. We sell them at competitiveprices :- 0.30 USD for a paper tag- 0.70 USD for a more durable PVC tagPostage is extra.You should use the LinKad app (LinKad NFC Edition isrecommended) to assign NFC tags to students, probably at thebeginning of an academic year. Then the students will use theirassigned tags for all the examinations in the year.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
Exam Result 1.0.1
Causal Idea
The Result app allows a student to view his orher test result over the Internet, by providing the school ID andhis or her IC number. The result includes the score of eachsubject, together with the automatically-computed percentile.After completing grading test papers of students, a teacherpublishes the results using the Grade app, with a school ID. Theresults are instantly accessible by all the students, through boththe Result app and the result website. They are available forviewing for a certain period of time, typically one month, and willbe automatically deleted after that.Percentile (%tile) refers to how good a score is in a batch oftest results published together. A 75th percentile means the scoreis better than 75 percent of the test results.Related apps :This Result app is intended to be used together with the LinKadand Score Input apps.Customization :Please do not hesitate to let us know, if you would like tosend/export results to your own server. We will be glad to producean app for you to do so. We are reachable at results :To see some sample results we uploaded to the server, please usethese ...School ID - oceanic.eduIC number - 111222 (Micky Wood) / 333444 (Jack Ocra) / 555666 (SimPaulin) :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
Patrolity for Manager 1.9.03
Causal Idea
Monitors the patrols of your security personnel
MoMoAL Friend Maker 1.1.0
Causal Idea
Accumulate reward points? Now you canaccumulate points TOGETHER with your FRIENDS.Instead of spending one year to collect points for a free giftor a discount, you and your friends have the chance of redeemingthe reward much earlier. For instance, if you have 11 friends,there is a reward for one of you every month, starting from now.Apparently, some may get several rewards a year, while some may getnone. However, isn't this better than hopelessly waiting one year,and may be dropping out before that and wasting the collectedpoints?Just make friend tags for your friends with this app. When youor your friends buy from Friendly Merchants, the points are addedto the common account shared by your friend circle. FriendlyMerchants are shops that use the MoMoAL for Merchant app as theloyalty system, and have its friend support turned on.Any of you can redeem rewards. However, a friend has to buybefore making a redemption. This ensures a friend does not redeemrewards without contributing points.NFC tags for making friend tags can be bought from Amazon or anyappropriate retailer : for tags of type NTAG203, with 144 bytes of memory. Theyare about 1.30 USD each.This is the MoMoAL for Merchant app that a Friendly Merchantuses (in friend mode) : :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of the app.
CI Attendance Demo Edition 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI Attendance collates and analyzes theattendance of people in activities, classes and events etc.It is meant to be used with CI LinKad, CI TapKad and CINotification. CI LinKad provides the identities of people, while CITapKad indicates which activities each person attended. With thesedata, CI Attendance produces a CSV file that shows thepresence/absence of each person in each activity. It alsocalculates the rate of presence/absence. Depending onconfiguration, some or all of the people can receive personalizedSMS with the help of CI Notification.For simplicity, CI Attendance works on the granularity of day.There can be at most one activity on one day. This makes operationeasy, because attendance recording does not have to specify whichactivity it is. Just tap a card, and the person linked to that cardis marked as present on the current day.Besides, CI Attendance draws a bar chart showing in average howmany people attended each type of activity. It does so by using thekeywords entered in CI TapKad. The keywords describe the nature ofthe activity on the current day. The CI Attendance bar chart showsthe number of people attending activities that share a keyword.With the chart, it is easy to understand the popularity of eachactivity type, which helps in future activity planning.This demo edition is free. However, it is limited to handling 20linked persons and 20 recorded taps. Please install the paidedition for support of bigger datasets.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.Third-party component :CI Attendance uses AChartEngine under Apache License for thedrawing of bar charts.http://www.achartengine.org
CI TapKad USB Edition 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI TapKad records the presence of a person bytapping a contactless card or NFC tag on a reader or a phone. Thisis similar to an attendance tracking system, but can be usedanywhere anytime, because it runs on a phone. With CI TapKad,attendance recording is not much different from paying bus or trainfare. Just tapping a card will do. This is certainly more efficientand environmentally friendly than the conventional method of usinga pen to tick on a printed name list.It is meant to be used together with CI LinKad, CI Attendanceand CI Notification. CI LinKad links a contactless card or NFC tagto a person, while CI Attendance analyzes the attendance of alllinked persons. CI Notification, on the other hand, sendspersonalized SMS to some or all linked persons, depending onconfiguration.The USB edition should be used with a contactless smartcardreader of model ACR-122T, ACR-122U or ACR-1281U from Advanced CardSystems Ltd. The first is the most portable among these readers.The second is common, but bulkier. The third can be shared with CILinKad USB Edition. users in Malaysia may contact for purchaseor enquiry.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
LinKad USB Edition 2.0.1
Causal Idea
LinKad enables a contactless smartcard or NFCtag to be linked to a person easily. No bulky equipment or computeris needed.It can be used with TapKad and Attendance for attendancerecording and analysis, or with Notification for sending outpersonalized SMS. The personal particulars captured can be printedwith the aid of CI FormFiller Grid Tool and CI FormFiller GenericEdition. It also links students to contactless cards, enablingpaper examination results to be subsequently entered into computersystems using the Test and Grade apps, without the need toexplicitly indicate the owner of each result, thereby significantlyreduceing the administrative workload of teachers.The USB edition is specific to Malaysia. In Malaysia, a personis typically identified with a MyKad. LinKad accepts a MyKad, andlinks it to either the same card, or any contactless card or NFCtag. The personal particulars in MyKad are retrieved through itscontact interface and stored in a local database during linking.The contactless interface of MyKad can be the target of linking.Alternatively, many other contactless cards such as Touch n Go,MyRapid, Manjalink or any NFC tag can be used.After linking, the person only needs to tap the contactless cardor NFC tag on a reader or an NFC-enabled phone to indicate his orher presence. The presence may be used for attendance recording oreven in a basic payment system.A smartcard reader of model ACR-1281U from Advanced Card SystemsLtd should be used with the USB edition : in Malaysia may contact for purchaseor enquiry. The reader has a slot for inserting a MyKad. After theMyKad is read and removed, any contactless card or NFC tag can beplaced on the reader for it to be linked.LinKad allows multiple contactless cards or NFC tags to belinked to a person. As long as any of those cards or tags is tappedon a reader or a phone, the presence of the person is recorded.Reminder :You are responsible for the safe-keeping of the collectedpersonal particulars, and for making sure they are not utilized inany manner not agreed by their owners.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
CI Notification Demo Edition 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI Notification sends SMS without having youto explicitly say who should receive it. It provides a convenientway of broadcasting messages to groups of people, and does so withpersonalized salutations. Each person receives an SMS bearing hisor her name, automatically.It works with CI LinKad and CI TapKad.CI LinKad registers group members, who may be students of aclass, members of a club, or the public interested in an event. Aslong as a phone number is entered while linking a person, he or sheis a potential recipient of SMS from CI Notification.CI TapKad records the attendance of group members in activities,and allows the nature of each activity to be described usingkeywords.Depending on the configuration, CI Notification sends SMS to allthe group members, or only those who attended activities, forexample cooking lessons. The keyword-based filtering feature evenallows the recipients to be restricted to those who attendedactivities of a certain nature, for example, members who attendedThai and Korean cooking lessons. This makes it convenient to informthose who learned basic Thai cooking that there is an advanced Thaicuisine lesson, without flooding the other members with a messagethey are not interested in.With a click on the notify button, followed by a confirmationbutton, SMS will be sent out to all the recipients. This happenswithout you explicitly telling it who should receive the SMS. Theapp decides for you.The default salutation function puts the first word of therecipient's name in the beginning of an SMS. So, each recipientsees his or her own name in the SMS that he or she receives. Again,this is done automatically.A long message is automatically split into several SMS, whichwill be combined by the recipient's phone. So, you do not have toworry about exceeding 160 characters in a message.Each time the notify button is clicked, one of the messages sentwill be saved in the default Messaging app of your phone. Therecipient's phone number is stated as 00000000. This allows you tokeep track of the messages. As CI Notification is a messagebroadcast utility, it avoids saving the message for everyrecipient, to prevent wasting your storage space.This demo edition supports a maximum of 20 linked persons. Ifyou have more members in a group, please install the paidedition.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
CI FormFiller Generic Edition 1.0.0
Causal Idea
The data captured by CI SaveKad is intendedtobe used electronically. However, if it needs to appear onpaper,such as a physical form that has been in use for years, oranacknowledgement or notification letter, we provide CIFormFillerGrid Tool and CI FormFiller Generic Edition to accomplishthat,free of charge.Just generate a grid PDF with CI FormFiller Grid Tool, andprintit out on a piece of paper. Lay it over a physical form orletter,then mark on the grid the position where each piece ofpersonalparticular should appear.Then create a configuration in CI FormFiller Generic Edition,andenter the position and text size for each desiredpersonalparticular.Finally, use CI FormFiller Generic Edition to generate aPDFfile, and print it out on blank forms or letters.This is CI FormFiller Generic Edition. Please obtainCIFormFiller Grid Tool separately.Reminder :You are responsible for the safe-keeping of thecollectedpersonal particulars, and for making sure they are notutilized inany manner not agreed by their owners.Disclaimer :While Causal Idea attempts to ensure the application iscorrect,and may introduce updates whenever necessary, it does notguaranteethe application is flawless, and is not responsible forany loss,injury or damage inflicted during and after theinstallation anduse of the application.Third-party components :This application contains the file choosingcomponentaFileChooser from iPaulPro. The license terms ofaFileChooser areavailable at also contains iTextPDF from iText Software Corp. Thelicenseterms of iTextPDF are available at terms of this application :This application is licensed under Affere General PublicLicense(AGPL). The terms can be referenced at code :The source code of this application can be obtained from
CI FormFiller Grid Tool 1.0.0
Causal Idea
The data captured by CI SaveKad is intendedtobe used electronically. However, if it needs to appear onpaper,such as a physical form that has been in use for years, oranacknowledgement or notification letter, we provide CIFormFillerGrid Tool and CI FormFiller Generic Edition to accomplishthat,free of charge.Just generate a grid PDF with CI FormFiller Grid Tool, andprintit out on a piece of paper. Lay it over a physical form orletter,then mark on the grid the position where each piece ofpersonalparticular should appear.Then create a configuration in CI FormFiller Generic Edition,andenter the position and text size for each desiredpersonalparticular.Finally, use CI FormFiller Generic Edition to generate aPDFfile, and print it out on blank forms or letters.This is CI FormFiller Grid Tool. Please obtain CIFormFillerGeneric Edition separately.Reminder :You are responsible for the safe-keeping of thecollectedpersonal particulars, and for making sure they are notutilized inany manner not agreed by their owners.Disclaimer :While Causal Idea attempts to ensure the application iscorrect,and may introduce updates whenever necessary, it does notguaranteethe application is flawless, and is not responsible forany loss,injury or damage inflicted during and after theinstallation anduse of the application.Third-party components :This application contains iTextPDF from iText Software Corp.Thelicense terms of iTextPDF are available at terms of this application :This application is licensed under Affere General PublicLicense(AGPL). The terms can be referenced at code :The source code of this application can be obtained from
CI FormFiller SPR A NW 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI VoteKad stores the voterparticularselectronically. To bridge it with the existing voterregistrationprocedure, we provide CI FormFiller SPR A NW free ofcharge.CI FormFiller SPR A NW takes an exported database of CIVoteKad,and generates a PDF file with voter particulars placed atthecorrect positions. The file is meant to be printed on SPRvoterregistration Borang A Siri NW.So, with CI FormFiller SPR A NW, the only thing that avoterneeds to write in the registration form is the signature. Thesameapplies to the witness. These virtually eliminate thepossibilityof committing human errors in voter registration, evenwithoutchanging a single bit of the existing registrationprocedure.If further error elimination is desirable, the CSV fileexportedby CI VoteKad can be submitted to SPR together withtheregistration forms. This enables voter registration to bealmostcompletely computerized, while still retaining theexistingflow.Reminder :You are responsible for the safe-keeping of thecollectedpersonal particulars, and for making sure they are notutilized inany manner not agreed by their owners.Disclaimer :While Causal Idea attempts to ensure the application iscorrect,and may introduce updates whenever necessary, it does notguaranteethe application is flawless, and is not responsible forany loss,injury or damage inflicted during and after theinstallation anduse of the application.Third-party components :This application contains the file choosingcomponentaFileChooser from iPaulPro. The license terms ofaFileChooser areavailable at also contains iTextPDF from iText Software Corp. Thelicenseterms of iTextPDF are available at terms of this application :This application is licensed under Affere General PublicLicense(AGPL). The terms can be referenced at code :The source code of this application can be obtained from
CI Loyalty USB SG Edition 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI Loyalty enables any small businessowner,from a roadside hawker, a wet market grocery seller, totheoperator of a small shop, to run loyalty programs like ahugesupermarket or gas station chain.The USB Singapore edition runs on a USB-host-enabledAndroiddevice, including Samsung Galaxy S2 (with Android 4.0.3), S3andSony Xperia SL smartphones, and Ainol Novo 7 Flame tablets.Acontactless smartcard reader should be connected to thedevicebefore the application is started. ACR122T and ACR122UfromAdvanced Card Systems Ltd are compatible readers. Theyareavailable from at E-Centre@Redhill.CI Loyalty treats any CEPAS-compliant card, for example,anEZ-Link card, as a valid loyalty card. It records how many timesacustomer has visited and how much he or she has spent.The application is very easy to understand. There are two setsoffigures for each customer - now and past. Now tells thebusinessowner the spending and number of visits of the customerthat havenot been redeemed yet. Past shows how much the customerhas spentand visited in the past one month. These help the businessownerdecide when and how to reward a customer.To reward a customer, giving a ten-cent discount in everyvisitmay have very little impact. However, if the customer isrewardedone dollar every ten visits, there will be a lastingimpression.This is precisely how CI Loyalty helps - enabling thebusinessowner to create an impression that lasts.CI Loyalty is very easy to use too. There is no need toregistera customer. After touching the card presented by a customeron thereader, if the business owner decides to reward him or her,justpress the redeem button. How and what to reward are not trackedbyCI Loyalty. It can be a one-dollar discount, a packet ofdessert,or an orange. The business owner has complete freedomindeciding.Amount entry for each visit is optional. If an amount isentered,it will be available for helping reward decision makinginsubsequent visits.The business owner just needs to install CI Loyalty on his orhersmartphone or tablet, get a compatible smartcard reader, andstart aloyalty program right away.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury ordamageinflicted during and after the installation and use oftheapplication.
CI Loyalty USB Demo SG Edition 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI Loyalty enables any small business owner,from a roadside hawker, a wet market grocery seller, to theoperator of a small shop, to run loyalty programs like a hugesupermarket or gas station chain.The USB Singapore edition runs on a USB-host-enabled Androiddevice, including Samsung Galaxy S2 (with Android 4.0.3), S3 andSony Xperia SL smartphones, and Ainol Novo 7 Flame tablets. Acontactless smartcard reader should be connected to the devicebefore the application is started. ACR122T and ACR122U fromAdvanced Card Systems Ltd are compatible readers. They areavailable from at E-Centre @Redhill.CI Loyalty treats any CEPAS-compliant card, for example, anEZ-Link card, as a valid loyalty card. It records how many times acustomer has visited and how much he or she has spent.The application is very easy to understand. There are two setsof figures for each customer - now and past. Now tells the businessowner the spending and number of visits of the customer that havenot been redeemed yet. Past shows how much the customer has spentand visited in the past one month. These help the business ownerdecide when and how to reward a customer.To reward a customer, giving a ten-cent discount in every visitmay have very little impact. However, if the customer is rewardedone dollar every ten visits, there will be a lasting impression.This is precisely how CI Loyalty helps - enabling the businessowner to create an impression that lasts.CI Loyalty is very easy to use too. There is no need to registera customer. After touching the card presented by a customer on thereader, if the business owner decides to reward him or her, justpress the redeem button. How and what to reward are not tracked byCI Loyalty. It can be a one-dollar discount, a packet of dessert,or an orange. The business owner has complete freedom indeciding.Amount entry for each visit is optional. If an amount isentered, it will be available for helping reward decision making insubsequent visits.The business owner just needs to install CI Loyalty on his orher smartphone or tablet, get a compatible smartcard reader, andstart a loyalty program right away.Note :This demo edition shows a reminder on the screen when the totalnumber of recorded customer visits exceeds 1000. To get rid of thereminder, just install the non-demo edition and continue with theloyalty program. No data will be lost when switching from the demoedition to the non-demo edition, because they share the samedatabase which resides on the SD card of the Android device.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury or damageinflicted during and after the installation and use of theapplication.
CI Attendance 1.0.0
Causal Idea
CI Attendance collates and analyzestheattendance of people in activities, classes and events etc.It is meant to be used with CI LinKad, CI TapKad andCINotification. CI LinKad provides the identities of people, whileCITapKad indicates which activities each person attended. Withthesedata, CI Attendance produces a CSV file that showsthepresence/absence of each person in each activity. Italsocalculates the rate of presence/absence. Dependingonconfiguration, some or all of the people can receivepersonalizedSMS with the help of CI Notification.For simplicity, CI Attendance works on the granularity ofday.There can be at most one activity on one day. This makesoperationeasy, because attendance recording does not have tospecify whichactivity it is. Just tap a card, and the person linkedto that cardis marked as present on the current day.Besides, CI Attendance draws a bar chart showing in averagehowmany people attended each type of activity. It does so by usingthekeywords entered in CI TapKad. The keywords describe the natureofthe activity on the current day. The CI Attendance bar chartshowsthe number of people attending activities that share akeyword.With the chart, it is easy to understand the popularity ofeachactivity type, which helps in future activity planning.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury ordamageinflicted during and after the installation and use oftheapplication.Third-party component :CI Attendance uses AChartEngine under Apache License forthedrawing of bar charts.http://www.achartengine.org
CI VoteKad 1.1.1
Causal Idea
CI VoteKad is a convenience tool for volunteers to register votersin Malaysia. It provides an accurate way of voter registration,preventing unintentional mistakes from being made by thevolunteers. As it exports data to a csv file, it also helpscomputerization of data entry tasks in the election commission.With CI VoteKad, the personal particulars of voters flow from MyKadto a smartphone or a tablet electronically, with the help of a tinyand affordable smartcard reader. Automatic filling up of voterregistration forms can be done using the free application CIFormFiller SPR A NW, or facilities like the mail-merge function ofword-processors. If the election commission decides to accept theexported csv file, the particulars will flow from the smartphone ortablet to the computers of the commission, also electronically. Ifthis happens, during the entire voter registration process, we caneliminate human errors, which are believed to be the main source ofelectoral roll inconsistencies. Therefore, we believe CI VoteKadenables us to move one step closer to an error-free electoral rollin Malaysia. Reminder : You are responsible for the safe-keeping ofthe collected personal particulars, and for making sure they arenot utilized in any manner not agreed by their owners. Disclaimer :While Causal Idea attempts to ensure the application is correct,and may introduce updates whenever necessary, it does not guaranteethe application is flawless, and is not responsible for any loss,injury or damage inflicted during and after the installation anduse of the application. Third-party components : This applicationcontains the file choosing component aFileChooser from iPaulPro.The license terms of aFileChooser are available at hardware required : This application is meant to be usedwith a smartcard reader, which is available at
CI TapKad NFC Edition 1.2.0
Causal Idea
CI TapKad records the presence of a personbytapping a contactless card or NFC tag on a reader or a phone.Thisis similar to an attendance tracking system, but can beusedanywhere anytime, because it runs on a phone. With CITapKad,attendance recording is not much different from paying busor trainfare. Just tapping a card will do. This is certainly moreefficientand environmentally friendly than the conventional methodof usinga pen to tick on a printed name list.It is meant to be used together with CI LinKad, CI AttendanceandCI Notification. CI LinKad links a contactless card or NFC tagto aperson, while CI Attendance analyzes the attendance of alllinkedpersons. CI Notification, on the other hand, sendspersonalized SMSto some or all linked persons, depending onconfiguration.The NFC edition is perhaps the easiest to use. No readerisrequired. Just tap the card on the phone. The running cost islowif used together with LinKad NFC Edition, because both rely onthebuilt-in NFC component of the phone for reading contactlesscardsor NFC tags. To read contact cards, CI LinKad USB-NFC Editionwhichrequires a cheap contact reader of model ACR-38U PocketMateisrecommended. Please refer to the product description of CILinKadUSB-NFC Edition for details.Disclaimer :Causal Idea is not responsible for any loss, injury ordamageinflicted during and after the installation and use oftheapplication.
ShowKad Demo Edition 1.2.0
Causal Idea
Simulator for ShowKad, to demonstrate MyKad reading functionalityw/o a reader.
FingKad (MyKad fingerprints) 1.2.0
Causal Idea
As reported in news, it does not cost too much money to make afakecard that looks real. Identity cards, driving licenses allhavefakes floating around. It may be all right if you just wanttocreate a little bit of hurdle by asking to see a card. But itisharmful if you rely on the card for further actions. Forexample,by holding the person accountable for a contract, a loan orfor anyfuture fraud. A person who does not intend to return yourmoney, orwho plans to commit fraud, will most likely give you afake card,or a genuine or altered card belonged to someone else. Bymerelylooking at the card, you lose the ability to track the persondown.Worse, an innocent party suffers from days of mental stressbecauseyou point your finger wrongly. If you wish to hold apersonaccountable, please check that the card is his/hers. FingKadis atool for anyone to perform the check, on an Android phone.FingKadshows the name, IC number and address from the MyKad chip,andcompares a fingerprint from the chip with the live fingerprintofthe person. This gives more assurance that you have got hold oftheidentity of the person. FingKad relies on the electronicsecurityfeatures of MyKad, which are improved from time to time.Thenational registration department (JPN) handles theimprovements.FingKad helps you to benefit from the efforts. Thefeatures may notbe perfect, but they are one of the bestprotections you can get.For more information and purchase ofreaders, please visit : app uses icons from:
Patrolity for Staff 1.8.02
Causal Idea
Tells your clients you are patrolling their properties
SaveKad (MyKad recorder)
Causal Idea
Reads and saves MyKad data.
LinKad NFC Edition 3.0.0
Causal Idea
LinKad links a contactless smartcard or NFC tag to a person. OnlyanNFC-enabled smartphone is needed. It accepts the opticalcharacterrecognition (OCR) output of Google Goggles as personalparticulars,thereby eliminating the need to key in theinformation.Nevertheless, input of personal particulars throughthe on-screensoft keyboard, or a physical USB/wireless/blueboothkeyboard stillworks. Otherwise, just click on a user file inGoogle Drive orDropbox, and choose User Import to open it. A userfile is a simpletext file. Each line of the file contains an ICnumber and a name,separated by a tab character. After linking, theperson taps thecontactless card or NFC tag on the smartphone withthe TapKad apprunning to indicate his or her presence. Thepresence may be usedfor attendance recording or even in a basicpayment system. Thiseliminates the burden of remembering the namesof your students andclub members etc. They are represented bytheir cards or tags. Theapps that use the link data are : - TapKad(records attendance) -Attendance (creates attendance statistics) -Notification (sendspersonalized SMS to attendees) - Score Input,Result (record andpublish examination scores, using RFID/NFC)Disclaimer : Causal Ideais not responsible for any loss, injury ordamage inflicted duringand after the installation and use of theapplication.
Patrolity 1.8.3
Causal Idea
Automates communications between residents/customers and securitypersonnel